Are you curious about the enchanting realm of magic mushrooms and their myriad strains? Among the psychedelic fungi, Psilocybe cubensis presents a variety of strains like Golden Teachers and B+, each with unique characteristics Shroom Chocolate

This article will help you better understand these strains, providing cultivation tips, usage effects, and safety advice to enhance your experience. Dive in for an enthralling journey into the world of magic mushrooms! 

Different Types of Magic Mushroom Strains 

Explore the unique characteristics and effects of popular magic mushroom strains such as Golden Teacher and B+, each with distinct qualities. Discover the diverse world of psychedelic mushrooms and their potential therapeutic benefits. 

Golden Teacher 

Golden Teacher mushrooms are a popular type of psychedelic mushroom. They belong to the Psilocybe cubensis strain and are known for their gentle yet powerful effects. These shrooms often help users experience deep insight and spiritual guidance, so they’re called “teachers.” People who use Golden Teachers for psilocybin-assisted therapy report feeling more connected and at peace. 

These magic mushroom strains have golden caps with speckles. They grow well in humid climates and don’t need lots of light. Beginners like Golden Teacher because it’s easy to cultivate and has a milder trip than more potent strains. 

This makes them a favourite among therapeutic mushroom species for those looking to explore their minds without being overwhelmed. 


The B+ magic mushroom strain is known for its versatility and resilience, making it a popular choice for novice growers. It is characterized by its large fruiting bodies and potent effects, providing users with a balanced psychedelic experience

Cultivating the B+ strain requires attention to detail regarding temperature, humidity, and lighting conditions. When properly grown and harvested, this strain can offer therapeutic benefits and be visually appealing. 

When using the B+ magic mushroom strain, individuals may experience enhanced creativity, introspection, and intense visual experiences. Always consider safety measures such as dosage control and consuming in a comfortable setting when exploring the potential effects of this strain. 

Growing and Using Magic Mushroom Strains 

When it comes to cultivating magic mushroom strains, there are a few key tips for successful growth. Additionally, understanding the potential effects and uses of different strains, as well as safety and legal considerations, is crucial for anyone interested in utilizing these therapeutic mushrooms. 

Tips for cultivation 

To cultivate magic mushroom strains like Golden Teacher or B+, prepare a clean and sterile environment. Use a grow kit with pre-sterilized substrate and follow the instructions carefully. 

Maintain temperatures between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and ensure consistent humidity levels of around 90%. Allow proper air circulation and provide indirect light for about 12 hours daily. 

Keep an eye out for contamination, and harvest the mushrooms when the caps open but before they release spores. Use a sharp knife to cut them close to the base of the stem. Remember to keep your cultivation space discreet and secure. 

Potential effects and uses 

Magic mushroom strains like Golden Teacher and B+ are known for their potential therapeutic effects, often used in psilocybin-assisted therapy to help manage anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 

The psychedelic properties of these strains can lead to profound introspection and spiritual experiences, making them popular for personal growth and self-discovery. 

Additionally, users report enhanced creativity and cognitive flexibility when using these magic mushroom varieties. However, it’s essential to approach their use with caution due to the mind-altering nature of psychedelics. 

Safety and legal considerations 

Knowing the safety and legal aspects of magic mushroom strains is crucial before cultivating or using them. As with any mind-altering substance, understanding potential risks and local regulations is paramount. 

Prioritize sourcing from reputable suppliers to ensure product quality and minimize health risks associated with consuming psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the legal framework in your area concerning the cultivation, possession, and use of these fungi to avoid any legal repercussions. 

Remember that safety should always be a top priority when experimenting with psychedelic substances like psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Stay informed about local laws while being mindful of your physical and mental well-being throughout this journey. 

Product recommendations (vacuum sets, anti-odor cases, alcohol) 

Consider using vacuum sets to maintain a sterile environment for cultivating magic mushrooms. Anti-odour cases can help contain any strong scents that may arise during cultivation. 

Additionally, alcohol-based sanitisers are essential for maintaining cleanliness and preventing contamination in your mushroom growth area. These products ensure a successful and hygienic cultivation process while keeping unwanted odours at bay. 


In conclusion, exploring different types of magic mushroom strains like Golden Teacher and B+ can open up a world of possibilities. Users must understand the tips for cultivation, potential effects, and safety considerations. 

When considering growing and using magic mushroom strains, it’s important to remember that legal regulations vary by location. Overall, exploring the diverse range of magic mushroom strains offers an intriguing journey into their unique properties and uses.